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“脉轮按摩- 谢谢释放我的负能量,我现在感到非常舒服,然后精神很好,充满活力. 我没有像往常一样,想要睡到自然醒,反而今天一醒起来,就想要工作"
Ning Ning, MY
I've been dealing with occasional emotional ups and downs. Before the session, there was a basic assessment to understand my and Regina's chakras. Unlike traditional massages, the Chakra Massage is gentle and focuses on relaxation and emotional connection.
During the session, I felt completely relaxed and in tune with my inner self. A comforting energy enveloped my upper body, making my lower body feel lighter. After the treatment, my mind was clearer, and I felt more cheerful. It was an amazing experience, and I look forward to returning.
Sha Sha, MY